Bury St Edmunds O Gauge Get Together
Sunday, 15 September, 2024, 10:00-16:00

The O Gauge get together in Bury St Edmunds at the British Sugar Club is happening again in 2024. 

There will be trade stands, a small straight test track for analogue and DCC, a bring and buy stall (No commission) , demonstrations of various kinds and the GOG Stand.

It is to be held at the Social Club of the British Sugar Corporation at Bury St Edmunds on Sunday 15th September. Admission is £4 to defray hire fees etc. 

Hot and cold refreshments will be available throughout the day in the adjacent lounge.

The route to the venue will be signed from the A14 Junction adjacent to the Sugar Beet Factory.

The event is sponsored and organised by the Kings Lynn O Gauge Group (KLOGG), The Norfolk Mardlers and the North East Essex Group (NEEGOG)

Hopefully it will be the chance for 7mm folk in the region to met up and talk modelling for a while.


  • D&S Models
  • Great Eastern Models
  • Ian Kirk
  • Poppys Woodtech
  • Peartree Engineering
  • Intentio Demo
  • Bob Pearman Books (Limited Stock) - Pre Order
  • Connoisseur Models
  • Amberley Components
  • Joe Lock
  • Karlgarin
  • Ken de Groome


  • Mardlers
  • Intentio


  • To be confirmed


  • Test Track DC & DCC
  • Bring and Buy (with no commission.

Posted by John Hobden

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