Demonstrations and Videos

The Guild Technical Team and other Guild members have put together a series of videos on various subjects. We have also included some interesting videos from our “Evening with” series as some of you may not be aware of the existence of them. We hope you enjoy this selection.

Experienced and respected modellers share their knowledge with a variety of techniques and projects.

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Introductory - suitable for a beginner to watch and learn new techniques

Experienced - for someone familiar with model making

Specialised - advanced technique

How 3D printing changed my layout

Chris Walsh, Technical team member
3D printing and how it enhances my layout
Chris shows us how his 3D printer has enhanced the layout, by adding the fine detail that would have been difficult or expensive to do otherwise.

Making trees with Paul Bambrick

Paul Bambrick, Bambrick studios
How to make trees
Paul demonstrates the making of trees using copper armature

Making a crank Axle

Nick Dunhill, Technical team member
Nick shows you how to create a crank axle, essential if you want working inside motion

Building a Parkside wagon

Peter Reynolds, Video manager
Peter builds a Parkside BR Sand Wagon kit. This is NOT intended as a definitive method of construction for the more experienced modeller, but to serve as an introduction to plastic kit construction for those who have never undertaken such a task. The video covers the basic tools required, where they can be obtained inexpensively, and some construction techniques.

Making a diorama with Paul Bambrick

Paul Bambrick, Bambrick studios
The elements of a diorama
Paul talks about the diorama he made recently and how all the parts were thought about and made.

Preparing for 3D printing

Chris Free, Technical team member
Download free 3D drawings, changing them and printing them
Chris tells us how to find 3D models on the internet ready for downloading and printing on your own printer. He then takes us through modifying a 3D model which does not do quite what you need using Blender.

The Casino Model Railway Museum

Jonathan Beaumont
A description of Irish Railways
Jonathan Beaumont guides us through some of models built by Cyril Fry, with references to the prototypes which could have been seen on the railways of Ireland.

"An Evening With..." - A roundup of what to expect in the evening

Ian Allen, Member of the Events team
An Evening with selection
Ian brings together various items from a few “Evening With…” seminars over the last 16 months to show you what you've been missing!

Our Next Modelling Seminar is: An Evening With Nick Dunhill

26 February 2025
Join Nick for another session where he talks about making ashpans to hide a motor and gearbox, installing pick-ups and brakes.

If you have any questions before or during the evening, please do ask so Nick can provide an answer.